
Category : Marketing

Brand Positioning – Setting Your Brand Apart
By 3Minds Digital   |   April 22, 2020   |    Marketing

Suppose that you go for your monthly grocery shopping, on what basis do you put the products quickly in your basket? Do you just put…

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Influencer Marketing – Lofty Expectations vs Hard-hitting Reality
By 3Minds Digital   |   April 16, 2020   |    Marketing

Influencer Marketing Everyone would agree on the fact that we all have expectations with everything that we come across in our life even with the…

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Marketing During COVID-19 – An Unprecedented Challenge
By 3Minds Digital   |   April 2, 2020   |    Marketing

The world has come to a standstill. Even the city that never sleeps can’t get rid of tiredness and people on beds. The world is…

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Social Media Marketing – A Cut Above the Rest
By 3Minds Digital   |   March 2, 2020   |    Marketing

Social Media Marketing "Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories, you tell." - Seth Godin, Best Selling American Author…

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Brand Perception Management – The New Age Branding
By 3Minds Digital   |   February 24, 2020   |    Marketing

Your Brand is what other people say about you when you are not in the room. - Jeff Bezos Whenever we try to do something…

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How Does Packaging Help Your Marketing Strategy
By 3Minds Digital   |   February 10, 2020   |    Marketing

PACKAGING FOR MARKETING STRATEGY Packaging design - especially for products intended to be sold exclusively in a physical location: on a shelf in a store,…

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7 Reasons Why People Use Voice Search
By 3Minds Digital   |   January 10, 2020   |    Marketing

As voice search assistants such as Google, Alexa, and Siri keep improving their performance in terms of the quality of answers, natural language processing, and…

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Why a Brand Narrative is a Necessary Part of Brand Strategy
By 3Minds Digital   |   December 11, 2019   |    Marketing

Image Source-pixabay.com A brand narrative is perhaps the most important aspect of any creative brand strategy. A brand narrative is a base that supports the…

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10 Common PPC Mistakes One Should Avoid Part 1
By 3Minds Digital   |   December 5, 2019   |    Marketing

PPC is a very lucrative model of internet marketing where a lot of money is constantly trading hands: from users to PPC advertisers and from…

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The Necessity of Having a Dynamic Brand Identity
By Meet Vora   |   October 23, 2019   |    Marketing

Image Source: Nina Gregier So your business has an established brand identity, but does it have processes in place that can allow it to change…

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