
Monthly Archives: August 2018

Emerging App Development Trends – 2018
By 3Minds Digital   |   August 30, 2018   |    Development

Mobile App Development Trends to Look for Most of the businesses these days be it small-time companies or Industry Giants, have already started using the…

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Tips for Packaging Design
By 3Minds Digital   |   August 27, 2018   |    Design

Professional Tips for Creating Best Packaging Design No matter where you’re selling your product, if it is in the supermarket or if it’s online, your…

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10 Reasons why people don’t trust your website
By 3Minds Digital   |   August 13, 2018   |    Design Marketing

Many a time, users might visit your website only to leave it in a fraction of a second. Why does this happen? Why do users…

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UX Design for Beginners
By 3Minds Digital   |   August 6, 2018   |    Design

Modern-day Millenials are considered to be well-informed individuals who are picky with their tastes and preferences. This is because they were fortunate enough to experience…

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